Why do I need Best T.P.S.?
Tyres are very expensive and the highest running cost of heavy duty equipment, excluding fuel. Protecting tyres with BEST Tyre Protection Sealant, is an investment that returns its cost multiplied many times.
Here are some of the benefits of using our tyre protection system:
Save downtimes of your machines, thus increase productivity of the machine itself and all the equipment in the same convoy.
Save low cost tyres by sealing all pores from the entire internal area of the liner.
Maintain functional tyres for many years. Prolong their lifetime
Keep the carcass healthy, thus retread-able and functional.
Keep the metal armory of the tyre’s skeleton cool and not rusted.
Reduce fuel consumption
Reduce emissions
Save wages of operators and workers
Save tyre repair cost
Save cost of eventual accident
Reduce maintenance cost of the motor
Secure safe and comfortable working and driving conditions for operators and passengers

Are all tyre sealants the same?
Definitely not! There are some that shine above the rest. Discover the UNIQUE benefits of BEST T.P.S. which is a product completely different that other sealants, both due to its composition and its qualities.
BEST T.P.S. is liquid vulcanized rubber.
Here are some of its advantages:
It is inserted into the tyre through the valve, (no downtimes for application)
Inserted only ONCE in the lifetime of the tyre, (no need to change, no matter how many years the tyre is operational on the machine)
Remains liquid for all years and creates an air-proof layer inside the tyre, covering the ENTIRE internal area. This layer does not permit air to escape.
Sealing air leakages from very difficult areas like:
the O-ring in split type rims
the bead (bead leakages are not to be confused with O-ring leakages, as the O-ring is almost 5 to 10 cm away from the bead)
Seals ALL pores. Pores are very often found in low cost tyres
Creates patches on the tread area, if the tyre is punctured.
Finally but certainly most importantly, BEST T.P.S. is the UNIQUE solution to save leakages from separation (bulges or bubbles) of the tyre layers.
Which are the benefits of the newly revised "all-in-one" formula of BEST T.P.S.
Being more than 15 years in the market, we have constantly improved and lately revised our formula, completely. We have unified our range of products, improving the advantages of each one and eliminating the disadvantages, supplying the International market with one product for all vehicles. The newly revised formula of BEST T.P.S. is designed and engineered for heavy duty vehicles.
Although our product will protect ANY TUBELESS tyre in the market, our main marketing target focuses on:
All terrain heavy duty, off the road Tires (OTR)
Earthmoving tires (EM)
Truck and Bus Tires (TBR) in
Transportation Industries
End users in all these markets enjoy the huge savings offered by using Best T.P.S. Furthermore, BEST T.P.S. is absolutely unique in sealing the bulged tyres, the O-ring leaks and the porosity leaks of low production tires.
Environmentally speaking, our new formula is completely "green", friendly to our valuable ecosystem, humans, ground and underground waters.

Our mission
Your Safety, Savings and Comfort.
• The orientation of all our efforts concerns Safety, Savings and Comfort of our clients.
• Our high quality team of Chemical and Mechanical Engineers, is in a stream of research and development of superior products and innovative technologies addressed to the tyres of all vehicles.
• We aim to perfect quality and we offer it in a fair price.
• We seek for innovations.
• We accept with pleasure new ideas and changes to our business and our products.
• Our staff is the contributor of our success.
• We bind ourselves to the creation of added value for our shareholders.
• We communicate to everybody openly, actively and creatively.
• We are dedicated to the protection of environment, sustainable development and social responsibility.
• We keep the tradition of an open and friendly family business.

Environmental Issues
Use of recycled material
The main ingredient of BEST T.P.S. is rubber crumb. This raw material comes from a special procedure of tyre recycling. BEST T.P.S. contains at least ten sizes of crumbs.
Use of water soluble ingredients
Absolutely no ingredient of BEST T.P.S. comes from crude or refined oil. Products of oil are attacking and destroying rubber. The resin composed during BEST T.P.S. manufacturing process contains only water soluble ingredients; therefore the product is completely water washable, although after washing cannot be reused. BEST T.P.S. can be rinsed by water from any part of our body our cloths and from inside the tyre. The rinse water has to be gathered in drums and after it is separated, the liquid part can follow the waste sanitation system and the solid silt can follow the waste stream.
Aerosol type packaging
BEST T.P.S. is not packed in aerosol type bottles under pressure, therefore there is no need for propellant gases.
Limitation of waste disposal during the production procedure
All remaining materials in every phase of production, as well as rinse water, are gathered in containers and reused.
Limitation of waste disposal originated from BEST T.P.S. use
• Protecting the tyre casing from inside damages, so that it can be reused with safety for retread.
• Prolongs tyre's mileage up to 30%. As a result, tyres are changed in longer time and fewer raw materials, that is natural latex gum, are used.
• Eliminates fuel consumption
and prolongs maintenance period. Using BEST T.P.S. tyre pressure remains in normal level. Less pressure will cause increase of fuel consumption up to 10% since the motor is asked to provide more power due to higher friction forces.
Additional information
Preservation and improvement of environment is the main preoccupation of our enterprise. We try hard and invest in any idea that will ensure environmentally friendly operations. This effort consists on the following actions:
1. Use of recycled material
Main ingredient of BEST T.P.S. is rubber crumb. This raw material comes from a special procedure of tyre recycling. BEST T.P.S. contains at least three sizes of crumbs, at least one of which is in powder size. This material is extremely dangerous for the environment in free space.
Vehicle tyre Waste, is difficult to handle because of the following facts:
• Their molecules are not self-cracking,
• They are not easily buried because of their shape and they need big space in the landfill,
• If they are burned in open space they produce toxic fumes.
2. Use of water soluble ingredients
Absolutely no ingredient of BEST T.P.S. comes from crude or refined oil. The product is not packed in aerosol type bottles under pressure, therefore there is no need for propellant gases.
BEST T.P.S. can be rinsed by water from any part of our body our cloths and from inside the tyre. The rinse water has to be gathered in drums and after it is separated, the liquid part can follow the waste sanitation system and the solid silt can follow the waste stream. For more information please refer to M.S.D.S. Our international clients must be advised by their local disposal authority for their waste disposal legislation.
3. Limitation of waste disposal during the production procedure
During our production procedure no waste is produced. All remaining material as well as rinse water, are gathered in containers and reused.
4. Limitation of waste disposal originated from BEST T.P.S. use
Using BEST T.P.S. in your tyres, you achieve direct saving and indirect environmental benefits.
• It protects the tyre casing from inside damages, so that it can be reused with safety for retread.
• It prolongs the lifetime of the tyre up to 50%. As a result, tyres are changed in longer time and fewer raw materials, that is natural latex gum, is used.
• It eliminates fuel consumption and prolongs maintenance period. Using BEST T.P.S. tyre pressure remains in normal level. Less pressure will cause increase of fuel consumption up to 10% since the motor is asked to provide more power due to higher friction forces. For more details please refer to table 1, in Why you should use BEST T.P.S. section.
• When an old tyre has to be removed, it must remain 3-4days in free space so that BEST T.P.S. will turn to solid rubber. Moisture will be removed by a natural procedure and vapours to be released are not toxic and by no means dangerous for the environment. After BEST is dried, it has to be treated as rubber and has to follow the normal waste procedures foreseen by the local national legislation of each country.

Market sectors
Clients all around Earth trust BEST Tyre Protection System
Thousands of satisfied clientsworldwide have driven millions of kilometers, moving millions of tones, basing their business in tyres treated with BEST T.P.S.
Major tyre dealers, State owned and Private Companies, Truck fleets, Earth Movers, Quarries, Waste Haulers, Contractors of any kind of civil works and buildings, are only few of our happy end-users to enjoy the benefits of BEST T.P.S.
Our network of sales has been expanded to almost all continets and our vision is to have an exclusive agent in all countries of the world.
In almost ten years of our operations, our product is available in:

Tobago & Trinidad
South Africa
Saudi Arabia Kuwait
United Arab Emirates
Private Labelling
The product is manufactured by the company BEST Tyre Protection Systems International and it is distributed by the same company in Greece and the International market by the Brand name: Best Tyre Protection System.
Very important International clients prefer to distribute the product using their own labels and packaging in order to take advantage of their own already established brand name. Also our high quality Chemical and Mechanical engineers can amend and develop products according to clients' demands, uses and ambient conditions.
In this case our company is bound with a very strict contract concerning the exclusivity of using the client's brand name and packaging, as well as with a confidentiality agreement.
Our factory has a production capacity of 2.8 tons per 8 hours shift and our packaging and labelling facility can offer BEST T.P.S. in:
Containers (tote or I.B.C. ) of 1000 liters,
Barels ( drums ) of 200 liters and
Pails of 30 liters.
Our graphic designers can propose your private labels or we can use your own.
If there are any special packaging needs, our management is open to discuss them.
In case of using your own labels and drums our company will store them in our logistics stores up to the moment of shipment.
Prices will be calculated by deducting the cost of our containers and the final price will depend on the quantity per shipment.

Technical details
BEST Tyre Protection System is liquid vulcanised rubber enforced with fibres. It is injected into the tyre through the valve, using a pump, in certain quantity defined by tyre size. The application is very easy, no need to dismantle the wheel from the machine or the tyre from the rim.