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 Why do I need Best T.P.S.?

Tyres are very expensive and the highest running cost of heavy duty equipment, excluding fuel. Protecting tyres with BEST Tyre Protection Sealant, is an investment that returns its cost multiplied many times.

Here are some of the benefits of using our tyre protection system:

  • Save downtimes of your machines, thus increase productivity of the machine itself and all the equipment in the same convoy.

  • Save low cost tyres by sealing all pores from the entire internal area of the liner.

  • Maintain functional tyres for many years. Prolong their lifetime

  • Keep the carcass healthy, thus retread-able and functional.

  • Keep the metal armory of the tyre’s skeleton cool and not rusted.

  • Reduce fuel consumption

  • Reduce emissions

  • Save wages of operators and workers

  • Save tyre repair cost

  • Save cost of eventual accident

  • Reduce maintenance cost of the motor

  • Secure safe and comfortable working and driving conditions for operators and passengers


Are all tyre sealants the same?

Definitely not! There are some that shine above the rest. Discover the UNIQUE benefits of BEST T.P.S. which is a product completely different that other sealants, both due to its composition and its qualities.


BEST T.P.S. is liquid vulcanized rubber.


Here are some of its advantages:

  • It is inserted into the tyre through the valve, (no downtimes for application)

  • Inserted only ONCE in the lifetime of the tyre, (no need to change, no matter how many years the tyre is operational on the machine)

  • Remains liquid for all years and creates an air-proof layer inside the tyre, covering the ENTIRE internal area. This layer does not permit air to escape.

  • Sealing air leakages from very difficult areas like:

    1. the O-ring in split type rims

    2. the bead (bead leakages are not to be confused with O-ring leakages, as the O-ring is almost 5 to 10 cm away from the bead)

    3. Seals ALL pores. Pores are very often found in low cost tyres

    4. Creates patches on the tread area, if the tyre is punctured.

    5. Finally but certainly most importantly, BEST T.P.S. is the UNIQUE solution to save leakages from separation (bulges or bubbles) of the tyre layers.

Which are the benefits of the newly revised "all-in-one" formula of BEST T.P.S.

Being more than 15 years in the market, we have constantly improved and lately revised our formula, completely. We have unified our range of products, improving the advantages of each one and eliminating the disadvantages, supplying the International market with one product for all vehicles. The newly revised formula of BEST T.P.S. is designed and engineered for heavy duty vehicles.

Although our product will protect ANY TUBELESS tyre in the market, our main marketing target focuses on:

  • All terrain heavy duty, off the road Tires (OTR)

  • Earthmoving tires (EM)

  • Truck and Bus Tires (TBR) in

    • Mining

    • Quarrying

    • Lifting

    • Agricultural

    • Transportation Industries

End users in all these markets enjoy the huge savings offered by using Best T.P.S. Furthermore, BEST T.P.S. is absolutely unique in sealing the bulged tyres, the O-ring leaks and the porosity leaks of low production tires.

Environmentally speaking, our new formula is completely "green", friendly to our valuable ecosystem, humans, ground and underground waters.

Γιατί χρειάζομαι το BEST T.P.S. ;
Είναι όλα τα στεγανωτικά ίδια;
Ποια ειναι τα πλεονεκτήματα της νέας φόρμουλας;
Η Αποστολή μας

Our mission

Your Safety, Savings and Comfort.

• The orientation of all our efforts concerns Safety, Savings and Comfort of our clients.

• Our high quality team of Chemical and Mechanical Engineers, is in a stream of research and development of superior products and innovative technologies addressed to the tyres of all vehicles.

• We aim to perfect quality and we offer it in a fair price.

• We seek for innovations.

• We accept with pleasure new ideas and changes to our business and our products.

• Our staff is the contributor of our success.

• We bind ourselves to the creation of added value for our shareholders.

• We communicate to everybody openly, actively and creatively.

• We are dedicated to the protection of environment, sustainable development and social responsibility.

• We keep the tradition of an open and friendly family business.


Environmental Issues

Use of recycled material

The main ingredient of BEST T.P.S. is rubber crumb. This raw material comes from a special procedure of tyre recycling. BEST T.P.S. contains at least ten sizes of crumbs.


Use of water soluble ingredients

Absolutely no ingredient of BEST T.P.S. comes from crude or refined oil. Products of oil are attacking and destroying rubber. The resin composed during BEST T.P.S. manufacturing process contains only water soluble ingredients; therefore the product is completely water washable, although after washing cannot be reused. BEST T.P.S. can be rinsed by water from any part of our body our cloths and from inside the tyre. The rinse water has to be gathered in drums and after it is separated, the liquid part can follow the waste sanitation system and the solid silt can follow the waste stream.

Aerosol type packaging

BEST T.P.S. is not packed in aerosol type bottles under pressure, therefore there is no need for propellant gases. 


Limitation of waste disposal during the production procedure 

All remaining materials in every phase of production, as well as rinse water, are gathered in containers and reused.

Limitation of waste disposal originated from BEST T.P.S. use

• Protecting the tyre casing from inside damages, so that it can be reused with safety for retread.

• Prolongs tyre's mileage up to 30%. As a result, tyres are changed in longer time and fewer raw materials, that is natural latex gum, are used.

• Eliminates fuel consumption 
and prolongs maintenance period. Using BEST T.P.S. tyre pressure remains in normal level. Less pressure will cause increase of fuel consumption up to 10% since the motor is asked to provide more power due to higher friction forces.

Additional information

Preservation and improvement of environment is the main preoccupation of our enterprise. We try hard and invest in any idea that will ensure environmentally friendly operations. This effort consists on the following actions:


1. Use of recycled material

Main ingredient of BEST T.P.S. is rubber crumb. This raw material comes from a special procedure of tyre recycling. BEST T.P.S. contains at least three sizes of crumbs, at least one of which is in powder size. This material is extremely dangerous for the environment in free space.

Vehicle tyre Waste, is difficult to handle because of the following facts:

• Their molecules are not self-cracking,

• They are not easily buried because of their shape and they need big space in the landfill,

• If they are burned in open space they produce toxic fumes.

2. Use of water soluble ingredients

Absolutely no ingredient of BEST T.P.S. comes from crude or refined oil. The product is not packed in aerosol type bottles under pressure, therefore there is no need for propellant gases.

BEST T.P.S. can be rinsed by water from any part of our body our cloths and from inside the tyre. The rinse water has to be gathered in drums and after it is separated, the liquid part can follow the waste sanitation system and the solid silt can follow the waste stream. For more information please refer to M.S.D.S. Our international clients must be advised by their local disposal authority for their waste disposal legislation.

3. Limitation of waste disposal during the production procedure

During our production procedure no waste is produced. All remaining material as well as rinse water, are gathered in containers and reused.

4. Limitation of waste disposal originated from BEST T.P.S. use

Using BEST T.P.S. in your tyres, you achieve direct saving and indirect environmental benefits.


• It protects the tyre casing from inside damages, so that it can be reused with safety for retread.

• It prolongs the lifetime of the tyre up to 50%. As a result, tyres are changed in longer time and fewer raw materials, that is natural latex gum, is used.

• It eliminates fuel consumption and prolongs maintenance period. Using BEST T.P.S. tyre pressure remains in normal level. Less pressure will cause increase of fuel consumption up to 10% since the motor is asked to provide more power due to higher friction forces. For more details please refer to table 1, in Why you should use BEST T.P.S. section.

• When an old tyre has to be removed, it must remain 3-4days in free space so that BEST T.P.S. will turn to solid rubber. Moisture will be removed by a natural procedure and vapours to be released are not toxic and by no means dangerous for the environment. After BEST is dried, it has to be treated as rubber and has to follow the normal waste procedures foreseen by the local national legislation of each country.


Market sectors

Clients all around Earth trust BEST Tyre Protection System

Thousands of satisfied clientsworldwide have driven millions of kilometers, moving millions of tones, basing their business in tyres treated with BEST T.P.S.

Major tyre dealers, State owned and Private Companies, Truck fleets, Earth Movers, Quarries, Waste Haulers, Contractors of any kind of civil works and buildings, are only few of our happy end-users to enjoy the benefits of BEST T.P.S.

Our network of sales has been expanded to almost all continets and our vision is to have an exclusive agent in all countries of the world.

In almost ten years of our operations, our product is available in:



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Tobago & Trinidad
















South Africa



Saudi Arabia Kuwait


United Arab Emirates








Private Labelling

The product is manufactured by the company BEST Tyre Protection Systems International and it is distributed by the same company in Greece and the International market by the Brand name: Best Tyre Protection System.

Very important International clients prefer to distribute the product using their own labels and packaging in order to take advantage of their own already established brand name. Also our high quality Chemical and Mechanical engineers can amend and develop products according to clients' demands, uses and ambient conditions.

In this case our company is bound with a very strict contract concerning the exclusivity of using the client's brand name and packaging, as well as with a confidentiality agreement.

Our factory has a production capacity of 2.8 tons per 8 hours shift and our packaging and labelling facility can offer BEST T.P.S. in:

  • Containers (tote or I.B.C. ) of 1000 liters,

  • Barels ( drums ) of 200 liters and

  • Pails of 30 liters.


Our graphic designers can propose your private labels or we can use your own.

If there are any special packaging needs, our management is open to discuss them.
In case of using your own labels and drums our company will store them in our logistics stores up to the moment of shipment. 
Prices will be calculated by deducting the cost of our containers and the final price will depend on the quantity per shipment.

Ιδιωτική ετικέτα
Τεχνικές πληροφορίες

Technical details

BEST Tyre Protection System is liquid vulcanised rubber enforced with fibres. It is injected into the tyre through the valve, using a pump, in certain quantity defined by tyre size. The application is very easy, no need to dismantle the wheel from the machine or the tyre from the rim. 




BEST T.P.S. usage results

Maintain pressure by sealing all air leakages:

Sidewalls getting cooler: 

Protection from rust: 

Dynamic wheel balancing: 

On all poers, on the edge of the rim and the oring, creating automatically patches on the tread area and around large stucked objects on the treade area.

By absorbing thermal loads and electrical charges

By using rust inhibitors

Cetrifugical force will place more "weight" to the area

Use the table below to calculate the benefit when using BEST T.P.S.


Avoid accidents

Increase work productivity by avoiding downtimes

Increase tyre's lifespan

Avoid more wear on the tyre like cracks and internal layers separation

Maintain metal armory in to lower temperature without any signs of oxidation.

Maintain a healthy metal armory for easily retread procedure.

Move to workshop after shift even with large stucked objects on to the tread area (stones, steel etc ) 


in terms of wages

In terms of maintainance

In terms of potential accident

Decreasing fuel consumption

Pollution reduction

Decreasing engine maintainance


Βusiness image improvement while maintaining deadlines

Safe and comfort working and driving conditions for operators and passengers

Download this table by clicking the icon

Important Notice


A. Air leaks will be sealed automatically but not immediately. BEST T.P.S. resin will constantly coat the "wound" and any other pores in the rubber and seal them immediately after the product enters the wound. This means that some time may be needed depending on the damage. Install the product, inflate your tires and operate the machine. BEST T.P.S. will work better and better when:

  • the tire rotates and there is time for the product to cover the entire inner area

  • the tire is loaded and the bending of the rubber allows the resin to enter the pores and wounds

  • resin is heated because the hotter the colloidal material, the better the glue.


B. BEST T.P.S. will seal damage caused by sharp objects, ie nails and screws, within the limits of the sizes covered by the Warranty. Sharp objects as they enter the tire, destroy the rubber mass, but do not break the metal frame. Therefore the tire retains its original strength.


BEST T.P.S. is  liquid rubber . It will heal the rubber using rubber, but it will never restore the original durability of the tire if the metal reinforcement has been damaged. Rubber cannot restore reinforcement.

A leak, although the tire is protected by BEST T.P.S. , can be caused by one of the following three reasons:

  1. The wound is too large to be sealed by BEST T.P.S. . In this case, the metal straps break and after the wheel is rotated so that the wound goes down, air and product leakage will be observed at the same time. Repairing such a wound requires replacement of the reinforcement, that is, a "reinforced" patch is required.

  2. There is not enough of BEST T.P.S. on the tire. This may be due to incorrect measurement or malfunction of the pump. In this case, air leakage will only be observed, possibly with very small drops of resin. To repair the tire, turn the wound down, place more material in it, up to the specified amount, and inflate the tire to normal pressure.

  3. There is no air in the tire. In this case there is no leakage, no resin or air, but the tire is flat. The patch will form immediately after the tire inflates and as soon as the wound is turned down.

As a combination of the above cases (2 & 3) it is very rare, but it has been observed, that some holes coming from small objects are not sealed. In this case:

  • check the amount applied to the tire and add a little more product.

  • Temporarily inflate the tire by 10% more than normal operating pressure.

  • Allow the machine to run so that the tire is warm and loaded.

  • Reduce tire pressure.

Τεχνική Περιγραφή

Technical description

BEST TYRE PROTECTION SYSTEM is a new thixotropic and colloidal resin that contains rubber trim and micro-fibers that protects the tires of all vehicles from:

  • holes of a certain diameter

  • any pressure leakage from the rim,

  • the valve body or

  • hidden resources

  • Temperature increasment

  • Weighing failure

  • Filling failure


There are two types of BEST T.P.S. products so that it can meet the needs of all heavy vehicles.


For use in earthmoving machines, construction machinery, heavy and light trucks, trailers, semi-trailers, etc. Our highly specialized Chemical Engineers in the research & development department, can modify the product according to the specifications of the customers and especially the ambient temperature of each country.

We recently developed BEST Glassier for our customers in Russian Siberia and Mongolia. This new product never dries or freezes, tested at -54oC.

The features of BEST T.P.S. are:

  • White color with black spots of rubber crumbs and fibers.

  • Anticorrosive for the protection of rims and metal reinforcement

  • Does not freeze at temperatures of -54 ° C ( BEST Glassier ) or - 37 ° C ( BEST T.P.S. )

during testing and does not boil at + 125 ° C in operating conditions (120psi)

  • It always stays in a moist state inside the tire, it does not react chemically

with the rubber and does not stick to the rim or the tire

  • It is injected ONLY ONCE during the life of a tire.

  • Shelflife in the container is unlimited, Shelflife in the tire is as long as the tire is functional.

  • Water soluble which makes it easy to remove from the tires.

  • Very good heat and electricity conductor

  • The patch will be created, it is permanent, it has the same elasticity as the tire, so it does not dry out and has the same wear rate as the tire.

  • It has no effect on the skin and is easily removed with water.

  • It is environmentally friendly and its waste must be treated as old tires in accordance with local environmental legislation.

  • The resin mixture of which it is composed is thixotropic and colloidal.

Thixopropic is a fluid that reduces its viscosity when shear forces such as centrifugal forces are applied to its molecules. This means that as the wheel rotates and the speed increases, the resin becomes more and more fluid. As a result, the BEST T.P.S. spreads better and covers the entire inner surface of the tire.


Colloidal is a material that is becoming more and more sticky as the temperature rises. BEST T.P.S. absorbs heat, so the tires operate at a lower temperature.


As a result of these two product prices, BEST T.P.S. becomes more fluid and at the same time more sticky to the working conditions of the wheel and is very effective in creating permanent patches.


Τα τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά του BEST T.P.S. είναι:

  • Λευκό χρώμα με μαύρες κηλίδες από τρίμμα καουτσούκ και ίνες.

  • Αντισκωριακό για την προστασία των ζαντών και των μεταλλικών οπλισμών.

  • Δεν παγώνει σε θερμοκρασίες -54 ° C (BEST Glassier) ή - 37 ° C (BEST T.P.S)

       κατά τη διάρκεια των δοκιμών και δεν βράζει στους + 125 ° C σε συνθήκες λειτουργίας (120psi).

  • Παραμένει πάντα σε υγρή κατάσταση εντός του χώρου του ελαστικού, δεν αντιδρά χημικά

      με το λάστιχο και δεν κολλά ούτε στο χείλος ούτε στο ελαστικό.

  • Τοποθετείται ΜΟΝΟ μία φορά κατά τη διάρκεια ζωής ενός ελαστικού.

  • Η διάρκεια ζωής του μέσα στο δοχείο είναι απεριόριστη.

  • Η διάρκεια ζωής του μέσα στο ελαστικό είναι ίση με τη λειτουργική ζωή του ελαστικού.

  • Υδατοδιαλυτό που καθιστά εύκολη την αφαίρεση από τα ελαστικά.

  • Πολύ καλός αγωγός θερμότητας και ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας.
  • Το μπάλωμα που θα δημιουργηθεί, είναι μόνιμο, έχει την ίδια ελαστικότητα με το ελαστικό, δεν στεγνώνει ποτέ και έχει τον ίδιο ρυθμό φθοράς με το ελαστικό.

  • Δεν έχει καμία επίδραση στο δέρμα και αφαιρείται εύκολα με νερό. 

  • Είναι φιλικό προς το περιβάλλον και τα απόβλητά του πρέπει να αντιμετωπίζονται σαν παλιά ελαστικά σύμφωνα με την τοπική περιβαλλοντική νομοθεσία κάθε κράτους.

  • Το μείγμα ρητινών από το οποίο αποτελείται, είναι θιξοτροπικό και κολλοειδές.

Πως λειτουργεί

How BEST T.P.S. works


  • Eliminates leaks from pores and leaks from the rim at the point of contact with the tire (bead)

  • It seals leaks from the o-ring and the valve body.

  • Hole seals caused by nails up to 12 mm in diameter for heavy vehicles, up to 6 mm for cars and 3 mm for motorcycles.

  • The BEST TPS contains powerful antioxidants. It does not oxidize the metal reinforcement and protects steel, aluminum and chrome wheels. Protects all metal parts of the wheel with which it comes in contact with rust.

  • The BEST TPS has been developed for use as a preventive means.

  • Prevents and protects the tire before damage or leakage occurs if it has been placed precautionarily.


The application of BEST T.P.S. on already perforated tires has shown impressive results and it has been proven in practice that the material seals leaks as if it had been placed before the damage.

It seals holes caused by nails up to 12 mm in diameter for heavy vehicles.

The way they are sealed is described as follows:

If the tire is punctured by an object, a hole is created. When the piercing object is removed, the air pushes BEST T.P.S.  into the hole. This means that the rubber along with the resin   pushed into the hole and in combination with fibers, a patch is made.


Rubber is elastic. It is a material with "memory", which means that it tends to return to the previous state - position. As the crumb is blocked in the rubber mass, the hole is sealed with the help of resin and fibers.

A prerequisite for wound sealing is that BEST T.P.S.  must reach the wound. BEST T.P.S.  is NOT a self-inflating material. It will not expand to fill the space in the tire, like other foam materials. BEST T.P.S.  always remains wet, so it must be drilled.

As a result, in order for the wound to be sealed, after removing the object from the tire, the vehicle must move so that the wound is under the fluid. If the vehicle is parked or the tire is not on the vehicle, the wheel must be rotated and the hole must be placed at the bottom.


Reasons why the belt may rust

a) Holes caused by other objects (nails, etc.), even if they are sealed, allow water from the road to come into contact with the straps and thus cause them to rust.

b) As mentioned above, the tire is porous. The humidity of the air in the tire as it is released from the inside to the outside of the tire, affects the straps. If the rims have rust spots on their surface before using BEST T.P.S.  , the strong resin rust inhibitors will protect these areas and whenever the tire is removed, the rust will be easily cleaned.


Protects refill from indoor air.

The refilling process includes:

  • Cleaning the tire and the sole of the foot.

  • Removal of dirt and dust from the tread area of ​​the tire.

  • Install the new sole with glue.

  • Installing the tire and refilling at pressure.

  • Installation of the mold in a kiln with high pressure and temperature,

where refilling "sticks" to the tire.


The problem with this method is the glue.

As mentioned above, the tire is porous.

But glue is not.

The air in the tire "pushes" the glue out.

By installing BEST T.P.S.  , we could say that we are installing

"glue" on the inside of the tire, so there is no air pressure pushing it out, thus removing the refill. It enhances the balance of the tire because the liquid is at its weakest point, if given the necessary time.

During installation, the BEST T.P.S.  remains fluid at the bottom of the tire. When the tire starts to move, the liquid starts to overlap the inside of the tire. At least 5 km is required to complete the coating.

Note that the operation and warranty of BEST T.P.S.  is valid after the first 5 km.

As the vehicle moves, it must gradually increase its speed so that BEST T.P.S. can cover the inner surface of the tire. It should be noted that the tires must

be weighed before applying the BEST T.P.S.

Προστατεύει την αναγόμωση από τον εσωτερικό αέρα.

Η διαδικασία αναγόμωσης περιλαμβάνει:

  • Καθαρισμός του ελαστικού και της περιοχής πέλματος.

  • Αφαίρεση βρωμιάς και σκόνης από την περιοχή πέλματος του ελαστικού.

  • Εγκατάσταση του νέου πέλματος με κόλλα.

  • Τοποθέτηση του χυτού σε κλίβανο με υψηλή πίεση και θερμοκρασία, όπου η αναγόμωση "κολλάει" στο ελαστικό.

BEST T.P.S.  absorbs the temperature resulting from the friction and bending of the tire. As a result, the tire operates at a lower average temperature. The bending and friction between the tires and the road increase tire temperature. Tests have shown that the temperature stabilizes at about 65 ° C to 70 ° C because there is also a flow of cold air around the wheel.

The problem is that the tire itself is not a good heat conductor. Therefore, the tire cooling range is limited.

The installation of BEST T.P.S. ensures a stable and uniform distribution of temperature throughout the tire area, so the tire works colder although the friction temperature ensures the necessary grip on the road. As a result, the life of the tire increases.

BEST T.P.S.  maintains its qualities from -54 ° C ( BEST Glassier ) to + 125° C (tire operating temperature is about 70° C).

Tests have shown that the product does not freeze at -54 ° C nor decompose or "boils" at + 125 ° C under operating conditions. BEST T.P.S.  has not been tested for temperatures above or below those reported, as they are far from the operating temperature of a tire. BEST T.P.S.  is a very good electrical conductor and facilitates the transmission of static electricity. This factor is very important for fuel trucks. Although BEST T.P.S.  will create a permanent patch in any hole within the warranty size (up to 12 mm), it can NOT ensure that it will stop air leaks from any wound, depending on its size. The reason is that when an object enters the tire, most of the time the metal reinforcement is broken. Therefore, although BEST T.P.S.  will seal the leak or delay air loss, it CANNOT restore the strength of the reinforcement. Therefore, repair is required.

BEST T.P.S.  is a liquid rubber and will heal any damage to the mass of the rubber. Never expect steel reinforcement to be repaired with rubber. BEST T.P.S.  is compatible with the European ETRTO Directive and allows inspection and repair of the inner side of the tire without being removed.

Αποτελέσματα χρήσης

BEST T.P.S. usage results



  • Increases work efficiency

  • Reduces tire repair time

  • Increases the life span of tires

  • Reduces fuel consumption


  • Avoid tire pressure failure

  • Avoid the risks caused by changing tires on the highway


  • Vehicles are always used to serve their owners or customers.

  • Guaranteeing services according to the program and providing a comfortable working environment for users, such as drivers and co-drivers

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Why you should use BEST T.P.S.

The installation of BEST T.P.S. in the tires guarantees improvement in three main factors:

  • Savings,

  • Safety and

  • Comfort while driving


Economic benefit

By using BEST T.P.S. , your vehicles will rarely face a flat tire, so the performance of your fleet will increase and downtimes for vehicles and drivers will be avoided. Services to your customers will be provided according to the schedule, creating a reliable image for the company.

Direct and indirect saving factors:

  • Stop until a tire is repaired or replaced. The cost of a puncture for heavy vehicles consists of:

  1. The hours that the vehicle cannot be used until the repair (expected turnover)

  2. Payment of the driver or assistant worker for these hours (salaries)

  3. Services are not provided on time

  • Repair or replacement costs. Often this cost can be very high depending on the repair. The repairman may not be able to do his job on the spot, so he must remove the tire from the vehicle, move it to his facility, repair it and return it to the vehicle where it must be re-inserted.

All this cost, even for a single repair, can be much higher than the entire installation of BEST T.P.S.  

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Extend the life of tires by up to 25% or more.


Using BEST T.P.S. will extend the life of your tires due to the following three factors:

  1. Assuming a tire never has holes, that doesn't mean it won't lose air pressure due to porous leaks. As the tire pressure decreases, a larger area on the tread touches the road surface, the tires "stretch", the friction is much higher and the tread area overheats. As a result, the sole as well as the side wall of the tires wear out. Also, the side wall becomes softer, so the tire bends more than planned. This increases the aging of the tire and radically reduces its lifespan.

  2. Rubber is a bad heat conductor. As a result, the heat generated does not spread to the rest of the tire mass. This means that a thermal contour is created and the neighboring areas of the rubber have large thermal differences. This is the main cause of aging of the material. As a result, the old tires have a rigid space between the sole and the side wall.

  3. The rotation of the tires, even on a completely flat surface on the road, creates thermal pressure on the metal frame. If we focus on a specific area of the foot, when this area is in contact with the road, it is flat (following the shape of the road surface). As the tire rotates, the next moment, this area is no longer flat because it is no longer in contact with the ground. The tire of the area and its metal frame are curved according to the shape of the tire. This means that the metal frame, under consideration, is constantly oscillating. The frequency of this oscillation, calculated for a 65 cm diameter tire moving at 100 Km / h, is 13.6 times per second or 49,000 times per hour. This inevitable bending oscillation tendency heats the metal frame.

BEST T.P.S. is an excellent thermal conductor, relieves heat stress, ie smooths out the thermal differences of the neighboring area and indirectly "cools" the metal frames. Also, BEST T.P.S. is a colloidal resin and absorbs heat to make better glue. As a result, the tires work much cooler.

Fuel economy due to the fact that the tire air is maintained at the manufacturer's level .

As analyzed above, the loss of air pressure causes swelling of the sole area, which is in contact with the soil surface.

This increases friction, which is the force that stops the vehicle from moving. To perform efficiently, the engine must operate above the prescribed levels, damaging the engine, increasing fuel consumption and the frequency of maintenance required.

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Safety is even more important than saving, as it includes vehicle safety as well as passenger safety, not to mention the indirect destruction of the business image if a company vehicle is involved in a serious accident.


Using BEST T.P.S. avoids the following risks:

  • Blasting. Everyone knows how dangerous a crack can be and how much it sounds or we see every day. There are many reasons why a tire explodes and often a combination of them is responsible for such a dangerous situation. While BEST T.P.S. seals any leaks described in the warranty, there is NO WARRANTY that the tires will never wear out because it cannot guarantee any air loss, especially from cuts in the side walls, which is the main reason for the blasts. It is obvious that although it cannot seal the cut, it will slow down the immediate loss of air, thus minimizing the chances of a fatal accident.

  • Risk of repair. It's a very annoying experience, probably fatal, to change a tire on high-speed roads with vehicles running at speeds of 120 or more kilometers per hour. Can you imagine a driver trying to change his tire by turning his back on such a highway?




Vehicles are used either as a tool or as a means of entertainment and therefore must provide comfort to drivers and passengers. BEST T.P.S. guarantees that you will not "get" a tire:

  • Your very important date. Drivers always have the suspicion that they will get a tire at the most difficult time, whether it is for their work to arrive, or an important meeting or their own wedding.

  • In the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere. This is possible. What would a female driver do in the middle of nowhere?

  • You will not get your hands and clothes dirty at the most difficult time, etc.

  • In bad weather (snow, rain, heat, etc.)



BEST TYRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS International, the exclusive worldwide manufacturer and distributor of protective sealant BEST T.P.S., warranties that the product will seal any puncture caused by a 12 mm diameter nail for tires of heavy vehicles and off-road vehicles or 6mm in diameter for commercial vehicles and passenger cars or 3mm in diameter for motorcycles and bicycles for ALL LIFE.


It does not warranty sealing of injuries to the side wall of the tire. It is illegal to repair injuries to the side wall due to belt breakage and / or tire bending. If it turns out that the damage was caused to the tire due to the use of BEST T.P.S. , the customer will receive a full refund from the company or installer.


The warranty does not apply if BEST T.P.S. is mixed or contaminated with other substances such as water, oil or any other substance, as well as other material that may enter the tire. The person responsible for the warranty and refund, when and if required is a member of the installation system, which means that it is the installer or its licensors who have installed the product.



  1. The BEST T.P.S. tire seal in any shape or type (TPS, Glassier ) is a liquid rubber. It will heal any damage to the rubber mass of the tire, but it will NEVER heal damage to the reinforcement (metal or conventional) of the tire. The durability of the tire depends on the durability of the reinforcement as the rubber has very limited mechanical strength. Therefore, BEST T.P.S. will cure the rubber of the tire, never expect it to cure the tire skeleton.

  2. Detailed statistical analysis of the damage, observed in tire tires, showed that the functionality of BEST T.P.S. depends on the quality of the tire. For umbrellas made by reputable European or American manufacturers, we are proud to guarantee efficiency of over 85%. But there are some tablets on the market that are completely dissolved, even at the touch of a thin nail. It should be noted at this point that BEST T.P.S. is designed to seal leaks and punctures. In no case do we claim that the product will improve the durability of the tire on its own or the durability of the tire for use. Therefore, we recommend the use of BEST T.P.S. in tireless tires .

  3. It should be noted that the dimension of the hole that the BEST T.P.S. can seal depends on the thickness of the rubber. The thicker, the better the hole can be sealed.

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